

Burkina Faso: Inauguration of four provost cells for the national gendarmerie

This Tuesday, March 26, 2024, the inauguration of four fully equipped provost cells for the benefit of the national gendarmerie of Burkina Faso took place. As part of the project to support the strengthening of military justice and local justice to fight against impunity (AJUMJUP), financed by the European Union and implemented by Coginta, this action support for the operationalization of the provost office in Burkina Faso saw the construction of infrastructure in Ouagadougou (Boulmiougou and Sigh-Nonghin), as well as in Kaya and Bobo-Dioulasso.

In the presence of the authorities, representatives of Coginta and technical and financial partners, among others, the participants were able to visit the cell built in the premises of the Sig-Nonghin city brigade in Ouagadougou, chosen for the occasion, and thus was able to see the materialization of support for the strengthening of the provost office.

10 major support actions have already been carried out as part of this project to strengthen military justice and the provost gendarmerie, in particular through the construction of infrastructure, the supply of personal protective equipment, rolling means, materials IT, or the organization of capacity building sessions for magistrates and clerks of military courts, and gendarmes of the provost. Additional technical training actions are underway.