

Our new website is finally here!
A word from the Executive Director


Dear friends,

Dear partners,

Dear readers,


After several months of development, I'm very pleased and proud to be able to present our new, freshly redesigned website, along with our new visual identity.

This website has been thought and designed by our teams in the field, alongside headquarters, for all our partners: governmental organizations, institutional donors, experts, academics, researchers, students, judicial and security institutions, civil society organizations and future collaborators. Its purpose is to introduce you to our mandate, our approach and our various areas of expertise; to showcase our achievements in the field; and to share our experience with the general public and practitioners. This website also features new sections, which I'll leave you to explore.

The persistence of conflicts, changes in the terrorist threat and organized crime, forced displacement of populations, growing urbanization and the consequences of climate change are all challenges that require responses adapted to the expectations of populations. In this context, Coginta works tirelessly through innovative solutions anchored in the reality on the ground so that justice and security constitute real levers of stability, peace and social cohesion.

I would like to thank all our teams, who are fully mobilized alongside our technical and financial partners. More and more of them are placing their trust in us to bring this vision to life at the service of the communities.


Enjoy your reading!


Sébastien Gouraud